lop off

美 [lɑːp ɔːf]英 [lɒp ɒf]
  • (通常指快而狠地)砍下,剪去,截掉;从(预算等中)削减(金钱);从(计划等中)缩减(时间)
lop offlop off

lop off


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB (通常指快而狠地)砍下,剪去,截掉
    If you lop something off, you cut it away from what it was attached to, usually with a quick, strong stroke.

    Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips.


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 从(预算等中)削减(金钱);从(计划等中)缩减(时间)
    If you lop an amount of money or time off something such as a budget or a schedule, you reduce the budget or schedule by that amount.

    The Air France plane lopped over four hours off the previous best time...



remove by or as if by cutting
cut off the ear
lop off the dead branch
Synonym: cut off chop off


  1. There he would force him to lie down , and in order to fit him to the bed he would lop off the lower parts of his limbs .


  2. Lop off branches from a tree .


  3. He had to lop off whole pages of the report .


  4. Let 's lop off those repeated and empty words .


  5. It 's better to lop off long wisps than to try and save them .


  6. His article is too cumbersome . let 's lop off those repeated and empty words .


  7. The easy way , the business way , was to lop off those who were least efficient or had the least seniority .


  8. Did he simply slice off a little chunk of his ear , or did he lop off the entire ear ?


  9. You 'll all be out of here after I lop off a few heads .


  10. But real-estate construction accounts for another third of total investment spending , and its collapse should lop off at least an additional percentage point from economic growth .


  11. Now , while other majors lop off a billion or two of capex here and there , PetroChina is still spending through the cycle .


  12. Valuation effects lop off some of the headline number : about 60-65 per cent of Asian reserves are reckoned to be in dollars , but maybe a fifth are in depreciating euros .


  13. A walker would pick up a hook and use it to lop off branches that were starting to impede passage . The hook would then be left at the other end of the path , for a walker coming in the opposite direction .


  14. More recently , developers of big projects have been offering rebates and discounts which , in some cases , have served to lop 20 per cent off the price – although this teaser strategy has helped them to sell subsequent batches at higher prices .


  15. More recently , developers of big projects have been offering rebates and discounts which , in some cases , have served to lop 20 per cent off the price - although this " teaser " strategy has helped them to sell subsequent batches at higher prices .
